Weytkp Kukp7i

My name is Jo-Anne Gottfriedson and my coworker Daniel Joe have recently rejoined the Indian Residential School Survivors Society (IRSSS) team as the Interior Day School Coordinators. We work from our home office located both in Kamloops and Vernon, BC. 

Currently, and as per the COVID-19 restrictions we are available via telephone, emails or Zoom calls. 

Listed below are a brief listing of the types of services and assistance, we provide through the Day School Class Action Settlement Agreement(s) for former students and their families:

  • Emotional support through the settlement process.
  • Can assist in forms associated with the Day School.
  • Cultural support services.
  • Safe, confidential, respectful, and nonjudgmental assistance through the settlement process.
  • Assistance with Self-Care preparation.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Thank You, In wellness and Healing.

Daniel Joe
RHSW/Interior Day School Coordinator
Indian Residential School Survivors Society
Cell: 250-540-4716

Jo-Anne Gottfriedson BGS/CED
Interior Day School Coordinator
Indian Residential School Society
Cell: 250-318-4673