Elders’ online focus group on housing, October 20, 2-4 pm
I am pleased to invite you to an online focus group that will explore the topic of housing and elders. The purpose of this focus group is to bring together elders to discuss their housing concerns, struggles and to share with us their knowledge and wisdom.
FNHIC is creating a ‘by-First-Nations-for-First-Nations’ Housing and Infrastructure Authority that will replace the federal government in the care control and management of housing and infrastructure services to First Nations in BC. FNHIC is conducting targeted virtual focus groups to hear the voices from a wide variety of people on a wide variety of topics. FNHIC is especially interested in listening to input from the elders.
We understand that Zoom technology is not always easy for elders to connect to. If we can be of any help please let us know.
Please share this invitation with the elders in your community who may be interested in talking about housing. Here’s the plans:
Topic: Elders and Housing in First Nations October 20, 2-4 pm
Moderator: Jeff Loucks, FNHIC Interim Executive Director
Speakers are yet to be confirmed- please check back on our website for updates
The presentations will be followed by small group discussions.
To register, please email: engagement@fnhic-bc.ca
We look forward to meeting you and listening to your input.
FNHIC Regional Engagement Coordinator